"Changing the way we feed ourselves and our Planet"
The original activity of the company was to check the claims relating to the advantages of aquaponic production of fish and vegetable production compared to conventional systems. The initial target of the company was to operate an aquaponic pilot farm producing fish and vegetables to be marketed in the local town. In the pilot stage, overproduction of tomatoes and cucumbers meant that there was excess to the expected output and the regular customers' demand and so a bottled pickled cucumber and roasted tomatoes in olive oil product was developed in association with the local bakery and delicatessen which has quality controlled and audited processing facilities. Its success and profitability resulted in a large demand that we are now expanding production in order to supply.
We are developing facilities for three sizes of farm. The subsistence farm is intended to be run by local communities, mainly for for personal consumption.
We call this unit SUPA (Small Unit for Production in Aquaponics). The family farm is intended to be run by small businesses, supplying local demand. The commercial farm is intended for industrial/national production levels. Our present income stream comes from the production and sale of vegetables and fish, which we are expanding into a larger family-farm farm unit. (R&D farm). We are developing this functional unit as a centre for training of customer personnel of farms wishing to introduce our technology and procedures.
Our Story

Homestead to Table
Food Security for a healthy planet and people
Cherry Tomatoes
Fresh Greens
At Your Service
Tel: +972548077977 | Email: diaquaponics@gmail.com
Tell me a little about your garden space so I can begin the creation process

Tel: +972548077977 | Email: diaquaponics@gmail.com